If Joe Biden ever considered running for a second term — that is, if he’s still alive — he should think again. The American people, despite “voting” him in, are not thrilled with the 46th president’s job performance. As each day passes, Biden proves his lack of know-how, his lack of mental capacity, and his disturbing trend of hiring the most radically Left cabinet members in U.S. history.
And his poll numbers prove just that.
According to the most recent poll numbers, Biden’s approval rating has dropped 10 points in just 60 days. That drop is unprecedented and is usually a result of total and complete incompetence.
The poll results show his approval rating down from 62% in June. It currently stands at 52% approval, with 44% strongly disapproving of job performance.
Here is how the results break down:
- 45% say they approve of the way Congress is doing its job, while 55% disapprove. By comparison, 54% said in June they approve of the job congressional lawmakers were doing, while 46% disapproved.
- 46% say the U.S. in on the right track, compared to 47% who say its not. In June, 53% said the nation was on the right track and 39% said it was on the wrong track.
- 43% say the economy is on the right track, while 49% say it is not. By comparison, in June, 49% had said it was on the right track, while 42% said it wasn’t.
- 36% believe COVID-19 is the most important issue for the U.S. The number marks a 6-point increase from June when the economy and jobs were the chief concerns.
The poll, conducted July 28-29, surveyed 1,788 registered voters.
Author: Asa McCue

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