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Liberals Show Their True Colors During Debate On Key Policies

There’s no end to the sick and twisted priorities of liberal American and the Democrat Party at large. Proof of this became apparent when Texas recently passed a ‘heartbeat’ law, which restricts access to abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected.

Democrats, Hollywood liberals, so-called progressives – basically the entire Left – erupted in hysterics, showing just how evil their intentions are.

Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology president — and apparent abortion advocate — Richard Hanania weighed in among critics of the Supreme Courts decision to allow the Texas “Heartbeat Law.” His hearless take noted that a Red State ban on certain abortions would significantly increase the population of children with Down Syndrome.

Pure, unadulterated evil.

He later insisted that he was simply making an empirical observation, however liberals across the country overwhelming agreed with this hot take.

The response was, of course, overwhelming — and not in the way Hanania likely anticipated

It may come as no surprise that Hanania is a proponent of genetic engineering.

Others pointed out that Hanania likely wasn’t alone in his perception of how abortion bans might play out. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a known eugenicist, after all.

The literal evil pervasive amongst liberals, democrats, progressives, socialist, communists, et al is barely concealed at this point in American history. There was once a time when these people were forced to operate behind closed doors. Now, in Biden’s America, with a president, vice president, house speaker who all support this form of crooked twistedness, the psychotic craziness is justified.

And decent people across the country are forced to endure it.

Author: Asa McCue

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