It’s been glarinigly obvious of the insidious connection between Biden’s White House, the ever-vocal – and increasingly radical – teachers unions, and the Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.)
Now national reports are confirming just that.
The National Education Association teachers union threatened to publicly criticize the Biden’s administration if it did not implement stricter mask guidance, according to internal emails obtained by watchdog group Americans for Public Trust.
Following a statement published by the NEA, the CDC specified that regardless of vaccination status, masks should be worn by everyone in schools.
This batch of leaked emails came just weeks after the teachers union was exposed for influencing the CDC on school openings. And wouldn’t you know, less than two weeks later the union is at it again, but this time it’s regarding masks.
Following a statement published by the NEA, the CDC specified that regardless of vaccination status, masks should be worn by everyone in schools. The NEA originally sent a drafted statement to White House officials criticizing the CDC’s guidance, but ended up publishing a statement with a milder tone, according to the emails.
05/13: The CDC said fully vaccinated Americans could stop wearing masks.
05/14: The Biden Admin begged the NEA to not release a statement critical of the CDC.
05/14: The CDC called the teachers unions and @rweingarten.
05/15: The guidance was updated.
— Americans for Public Trust (@apublictrust) September 8, 2021
Here is the thread of emails between the NEA and CDC:
- “Would you know when Dr. Wolensky would be able to call NEA-Pres. Becky Pringle?” Dinkel-Smith wrote in an email. “They’ve gotten significant incoming and are getting targeted for a response from the media. I’ve gotten them to hold on their statement calling for clarification.”
Dinkel-Smith received the NEA’s revised draft statement for review on the same day as the initial communications to Berger, according to the emails.
- “We appreciate the developing nature of the science and its implications for guidance, but releasing the guidance without accompanying school-related updates creates confusion and fuels the internal politicization of this basic health and safety issue,” the draft statement read.
- “CDC has consistently said, and studies support, that mitigation measures, including to protect the most vulnerable, remain necessary in schools and institutions of higher education – particularly because no elementary or middle school students, and few high school students, have been vaccinated.”
The following day, May 15, the CDC updated its guidance in schools clarifying that everyone should wear a mask, according to Fox News.
The new emails follow reports from May are showing an extensive influence wielded by teachers unions in regards to CDC policies, even shaping some of the language of the February guidance on school reopening plans, based on emails obtained by a Freedom of Information Act request.
And, as the Biden White House constantly repeats, they will “the science” (the CDC) in every move they make. This results in a terrible reality for the American people – especially schoolchildren – who are now forced to wear masks when if vaccinated despite data showing the mortality rate at an extreme low.
Author: Elizabeth Tierney

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