You know things are bad when the likes of Mitt Romney fails to support your political agenda.
The so-called Republican from Utah appeared on one of the leading propagandist networks to trash the Biden administration and expose the devastation caused by their America Last policies.
Last week, Biden struggled to gain support for his agenda as SCOTUS struck down his vaccine mandate and Kamala made a fool of herself during an interview. However, Romney insists last week is not an anomaly. In fact, the Mormon RINO claims Biden “had 52 weeks of bad weeks.”
The 1st year of the Biden Administration has been 52 bad weeks:
-7% inflation
-botched Afghanistan withdrawal
-COVID resurgence & testing shortage
-disaster at our southern borderPOTUS needs to stop trying to transform America and work to unify the country, like he promised.
— Senator Mitt Romney (@SenatorRomney) January 16, 2022
“People are 7% poorer now because of Biden inflation. Gasoline prices are 50% higher than they were when he took office. The border is a mess. Covid was resurgent, but he didn’t have in place the tests people needed to keep themselves safe. Then of course, there was a disaster in Afghanistan. Russia is now threatening Ukraine. Things are not going well. And the president needs to stop and reset and say what is it he is trying to accomplish. If he’s trying to transform America, he’s not going to unite us.”
Romney’s observations come after a new Quinnipiac University poll put Biden’s support at just 33%, a new low for the cognitively deficient president as voters grow increasingly frustrated with his handling of key issues.
“He gave his inauguration speech and used some version of the word ‘unity’ like half a dozen times,” former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany recalled on Fox News’
“Especially when you look at the numbers, when you drill down into them, that Quinnipiac poll, the left-wing poll, he’s decided to pivot to division,” she added. Calling Biden’s speech in Atlanta “one of the most divisive” she had ever heard, McEnany continued,
“This is division, division, division … Americans are noticing it, because when Quinnipiac asked, ‘Is he uniting us or dividing us?’ 49% said dividing, 42% said unifying.”
Romney said that if Biden wants to unite the country, he should work on bringing people together on a bipartisan basis. “He had one success, the infrastructure bill. That was done by Republicans and Democrats in the Senate working together. Build on that kind of success,” Romney concluded.
The infrastructure bill was no success, Mitt.
Author: Nolan Sheridan

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