Joe Rogan comedian and host of the highly viewed “Joe Rogan Experience” absolutely crushed the United States president, saying the America currently has no leader as it becomes more and more apparent that Joe Biden’s mental capacity is declining and he struggles to perform even the most remedial of tasks expected of a Commander-In-Chief.
Rogan revealed that be believes historians will look back at this point in U.S. politics and recognize it as “one of the tumultuous periods” perhaps in all of American history.
“You know, we don’t really have a real leader in the country, anymore. I mean, you can say Joe Biden is the president, he’s our leader, and you’d be correct on paper. But I mean, everybody knows he’s out of his mind. He’s just, he’s barely hanging in there.”
Joe Rogan on the current state of American politics: "We're unhinged … We don't really have a leader in this country anymore."
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) June 25, 2021
There can be no rebuttal to Rogan’s statements. The cognitively-declining president has made a multitude of stutters, blunders, mental lapses, forgetful moments, tumbles, gaffes, and every other indication that a man his age is experience some serious mental problems.
Most recently, Biden exhibited some seriously questionable behavior during a press conference when he insisted on whispering into the microphone for what some thing is emphasis of his point, but others were wildly confused by it.
.@Yamiche asks about #infrastructure timeline.
President Biden, whispering into microphone: "I got them $1.9 trillion in relief so far. They're going to be getting checks in the mail that are consequential this week for childcare…"
Full video here:
— CSPAN (@cspan) June 24, 2021
This follows a serious of other gaffes made on the campaign trail and in while in the White House.
After his meeting with Putin after the G7 Summit, Biden unleashed fury against a report her believed his stated his words about the Russian President.
US President Joe Biden snaps at CNN’s chief White House correspondent after her question about his summit with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 17, 2021
Speaking of the G7 Summit: that proved to be nothing but an embarrassment for the United States. Joe Biden repeatedly uttering gibberish on the world stage. Leaders were perplexed, even laughing at the American president straight to his face.
"And uh, I've said before and I apologize for the – Oh, I didn't Jake Sullivan from the State Department [inaudible]. I'm leaving out a lot of people here I apologize. I'm going to get in trouble. But, anyway, we'll get back to that. But um we um you know…" – President Biden.
— House Republicans (@HouseGOP) June 15, 2021
During a commencement speech he gave to Coast Guard graduates, Biden snapped at the crowd, demanding they clap in applause of his words.
BREAKING: Joe Biden snaps at Coast Guard grads for not clapping for him
— Poso (@JackPosobiec) May 19, 2021
An infamous moment on the campaign trail, during a town hall event, Biden snapped on a potential voter, calling him a “lying dog-faced pony soldier.” To this day no one knows what that means.
After a New Hampshire voter asks @JoeBiden why they should trust he can turn his campaign around, he asks if she’s ever been to a caucus before; when she says yes, Biden snaps: "No you haven’t. You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 9, 2020
He’s even taken on his supporters in the liberal press if they dare ask a question he disapprove of. In this case, Biden snapped on a reporter Savanah Gunthrie for daring to ask a question about Biden’s embattled son Hunter.
.@JoeBiden snaps at @SavannahGuthrie after she asks about Hunter Biden: “You’re saying things you don’t know what you’re talking about!”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 3, 2020
It’s apparent that Biden has no ability to handle the press or any of the other functions it takes to successfully run a country, In star comparison to Former President Donald Trump, who took questions head on and battled reporters to the very end, and still does so, Biden relies on pre-planned answers from cherry-picked reporters who treat him with kid gloves.
Biden himself admitting “I’ll get in trouble” if he doesn’t answer questions from a prepared list by his communication team.
Joe Biden: “I’m going to get in trouble with staff” if I don’t call from pre-approved list of reporters
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 13, 2021
A recent study released revealed that Biden is treated more fondly by the mainstream press than any sitting president in the last 30 years. This has proven true.
Author: Asa McCue

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