Just in time for the 2022 midterm elections!
The highest-paid federal employee and Joe Biden’s medical adviser has already begun to signal a return to lockdown measures due to a possible surge in China Virus cases this fall.
Fauci’s pseudoscientific predictions serve as a perfect justification for Democrats to bring back widespread mail-in-ballots before the midterm elections in November.
While it’s difficult to predict the next significant wave, “I would not be surprised if we see an uptick in cases,” Fauci, who’s also the longtime director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in an interview.
Fauci: Vaccinated & Boosted Have Diminishing Immunity – Will Need Another Booster
“It is likely we will see a surge in the fall.” pic.twitter.com/5wXPHLiM36
— Grant Taylor (@grantltaylor) April 7, 2022
According to Fauci, the BA.2 subvariant, which now dominates in the U.S., spreads faster than previous variants and could very well contribute to another lockdown.
Again, the interview was a perfect opportunity for Fauci to stress mass vaccination, saying the only hope “is to get more people vaccinated. And if you’re vaccinated, make sure you get boosted when your time comes.”
On Wednesday, a panel of USDA “experts” held a meeting with CEOs of Pfizer to discuss how to modify vaccines’ efficacy to address rapidly mutating virus strains. In other words, the federal government is sitting down with leaders of Big Pharma to discuss how to earn billions off another untested medical treatment that will inevitably be forced on the American people.
There really is no stopping the so-called “public health officials” who now feel emboldened to make life-altering decisions for the entirety of the American populous.
The writing on the wall has been done with perfect handwriting — and we all know where this is leading.
Elections will never be legitimate insofar as COVID remains a threat to public health. Each and every fall, when cold weather approaches, Dr. Fauci or another “scientist” will appear on TV with concerns over another surge, just in time to send voters their ballot envelopes.
This is the future liberals want: A monolithic liberal society with Democrats leading every aspect of government.
We cannot allow them to succeed in their plan for domination.
Author: Asa McCue

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