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Donald Trump Inspires Democrats to Embrace Law Enforcement

The lecherous snakes that occupy that Democrat Party have once again laid their evil hypocrisy bare for all of America to see. The party responsible...

Biden Honors Hunter in Latest ‘Crack’ Against Taxpayers

Joe Biden must've been inspired by his embattled son Hunter before approving the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to fund clinics that...

Trump Accused of ‘Espionage’ Just in Time for Midterms

The fallout from Attorney General Merrick Garland ordering the FBI to raid the home of a former President is immense and totally unexpected, at...

Biden Sets ATF Goons Loose on Law-Abiding Gun Owners

As the great Ronald Reagan once said, “The top 9 most terrifying words in the English Language are: I'm from the government, and I'm here...

Propaganda Watch: Fake News Outlet Creates ‘Nuclear’ Hoax

The Biden regime is struggling to handle the fallout stemming from the FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. Americans were up in arms following...

Biden Burns Taxpayer Dollars on Affirmative Action Diversity Hires

The Biden administration is in total disarray. They are completely lost on how to proceed as their woke intentions constantly collide with actual solutions to...

Here’s How Trump DESTROYED Democrats’ Latest Witch Hunt

It's obvious at this point that Former President Donald Trump is facing legal attacks from all angles. Whether it be the federal government or...

Liberal Regime Forces Religious Americans to Fund Abortions

Just when you thought Joe Biden's immigration policies couldn't get more inhumane or evil, well think again. Pregnant women detained by Border Patrol officials will...

Biden Admin Tells New IRS Agents: ‘Be Willing’ to Kill Americans

Remember when Democrat lawmakers told concerned Americans not to worry after the passage of Biden's inflation redaction bill allocated billions of dollars to beefing...

Sickly, Decrepit President Struggles Through Basic Tasks: VIDEO

America is witnessing the rapid mental and physical decline of an illegitimately elected president installed into office by a cadre of global communists hellbent...